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Meet the Principal

As I begin my seventeenth year at Panama, I look forward to another year of growth and encourage you to become actively involved in your child's education. Parenting is one of the most important tasks anyone ever performs and the one for which there is the least preparation. We learn to be parents through on-the-job training. In order for parents to raise children with strong values and healthy self-esteem in an increasingly complex world, parent education is of paramount importance. As educators, we have the opportunity to provide research, resources and support which will assist parents in dealing with the multiple pressures of child rearing.

The role played by parents in preparing children for school is enormous. This is especially notable in the primary grades as students come to school with a wide range of vocabulary recognition, prior involvement in learning experiences and exposure to social interaction. Although good parenting provides the foundation for student success, effective schools provide the support systems for it to continue.  The principal's role is to ensure that parents are included and prepared to participate effectively in the school's support systems so that they can impact other students as well as their own children.

Parent volunteers in the classroom provide an extra set of hands, a caring individual who can offer needed one-on-one academic support, or perhaps, a listening ear. When parents have opportunities for meaningful participation in school classrooms, activities, and decision-making models, they become closely aligned with the school's guiding principles. Through expansion of the role of parents in the school, all students benefit.

At Panama, we believe that the more a parent helps a child, the more all parents, educators, communities and our nation will get in return. We believe that a good parent is a treasure and that parents should be considered as partners with teachers and administrators in the education process.

The staff has been working hard to make this a successful year for our students. Office hours for the school year are 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM. You may schedule appointments with teachers or with me by calling (661) 831-1741, or by sending a message via ParentSquare.


photo of Brian Malavar




Brian Malavar
